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                              Fried Red onion

                              Fried Red onion

                              168 INR/Kilograms

                              Product Details:


                              Fried Red onion Price And Quantity

                              • 500 Kilograms
                              • 168 INR/Kilograms
                              • 170.00 - 150.00 INR/Kilograms

                              Fried Red onion Trade Information

                              • Pipavav, Mundra
                              • Cash Against Delivery (CAD) Cash Advance (CA)
                              • 10 Kilograms Per Day
                              • Asia Australia Central America North America South America Eastern Europe Western Europe Middle East Africa
                              • All India

                              Product Description

                              1. Dehydrated red fried onions add a crispy texture to soupsand stews.

                              2. You can sprinkle dehydrated red fried onions over saladsfor an extra crunch.

                              3. Dehydrated red fried onions are perfect for toppingburgers and sandwiches.

                              4. Incorporate dehydrated red fried onions into casserolesfor a delicious layer of flavor.

                              5. Dehydrated red fried onions are a convenient garnish formashed potatoes and gravies.

                              6. Enhance the taste of your pasta and rice dishes withdehydrated red fried onions.

                              7. Dehydrated red fried onions are ideal for adding a savorytouch to stuffing and dressings.

                              8. You can mix dehydrated red fried onions into yourmeatloaf or meatball mixture for added flavor.

                              9. Dehydrated red fried onions are excellent for sprinklingon top of baked potatoes.

                              10. Add dehydrated red fried onions to biryani for a rich,authentic flavor and crunch.

                              11. Keep dehydrated red fried onions on hand for quick andeasy meal enhancements.

                              Experience the crispy allure of our Fried Onion Trio - Order now and add a flavorful twist to your dishes!

                              Call us at: +91 86970 09800 | +91 97372 22333

                              #sitaramfoods #friedonion #dehydratedwhiteonion #whitefriedonion #spiceofindia #readytocook #export

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                              Select Unit

                              • 50
                              • 100
                              • 200
                              • 250
                              • 500
                              • 1000+
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